2025.03.18 最新消息
ARBOR Technology, a specialist in industrial automation solutions, is excited to announce its participation in Japan IT Week Spring 2025, where it will unveil cutting-edge technologies, including award-winning innovations and AI-driven solutions leveraging the latest platform advancements.
2025.03.12 最新消息
ARBOR Technology is proud to announce that its innovative FPC-5211 has received the prestigious Best in Show award from Embedded Computing Design at Embedded World 2025 in Nuremberg, Germany. Simultaneously, the company's ARES-1983H has been recognized as the Product of the Year by Industrial Production Germany.
2025.03.01 最新消息
工業電腦領導廠商磐儀科技將於 2025 年 3 月 18 日至 21 日參加 2025 智慧城市展(Smart City Summit & Expo),攤位位於南港展覽館 2 館 P328。
2025.02.18 最新消息
磐儀科技,強固型行動運算解決方案全球的領導者,推出了最新的智慧零售和倉儲業終端 Ruby 10,這是一款專為零售倉儲業設計的強固型平板電腦。 Ruby 10 配備高效能聯發科八核心處理器和 Android 14 作業系統,引領零售業數位轉型的新潮流。
2025.02.05 最新消息
ARBOR Technology, a leading provider of innovative industrial automation solutions, is excited to announce its participation in Embedded World 2025. At the event, the company will showcase a range of cutting-edge products designed to enhance efficiency, productivity, and flexibility in industrial operations.
2024.11.14 最新消息
磐儀科技,工業運算領域的全球領導者、英特爾金級合作夥伴,推出最新 NUC 尺寸工業電腦揭開了計算的界限,配備由英特爾® 酷睿™ Ultra 處理器和英特爾® Arc™ 顯卡驅動的34 TOPS 人工智能計算能力,在緊湊的設計中提供無與倫比的性能和效率。
Intel® Amston Lake Atom® Mini COM Express® Type 10 CPU Module
10” Rugged Android™ Tablet
Intel® Amston Lake Qseven R2.1 CPU Module
Intel® Atom™ Processor x7000 Amston Lake and Alder Lake N series 3.5" Compact Board
ARBOR 是全球工業物聯網、強固型手持裝置和邊緣 AI 運算的領導者。我們提供全面的系統整合、以客戶為中心的設計服務、嵌入式系統、自動化產品和全球物流支援。與合作夥伴共同開發適用於各種行業和應用的完整解決方案。我們的使命是透過提供更智慧、讓營運更有效率的行動和嵌入式運算設備,實現智慧未來。
憑藉專業的經驗和客製化能力,我們可以幫助企業找到最合適的解決方案。 想要了解更多?